04-28-2021 中国各地的情报大队情报小队之八(蜂拥而至对付外人以杀人抢财,循循善诱招募同事劝自杀分财,不愿死的或同事或外人怎么做?报警处理的政治合理性)

Issues with Chinese People and Chinese Community: Some of them are not demanding their fairness of what they should have earned from the LAW, some of them are not demanding their lawful inheriting share from their own biological and lawful marriage family, all these people are just demanding money as the desire of wish to own money, and with a tone that they are doing such a charity to only demand majority of what I lawfully own without taking my entire family's lives with the lawful wealth entirely. I refused their charitable thoughts and action of such granted attitude to threaten my life and my lawful private wealth, I have asked LAW protection, and I truly believe they deserve law bullets in their heads to learn something.

To those academic veterans regarding if fair evaluation on the patent award: If you have received your copy of the evaluation report, you can check: ①how your award is evaluated and if it is a fair number, ②if your team's number is a fair number in your unit, ③ if your unit has a fair number in your division, and etc. All listed in your copy of the evaluation report. If you have any reasonable doubts about any of these numbers fairness, contact the 1800 number listed in the same copy of the evaluation report. About if I got my share fair? I don't think I got my number unreasonably and I am happy with what I got, but if any doubts are lawfully reasonable, fair evaluation matters is what I believe as well.





  • 我(方敏)本人经常在家里对着自己手机直接要求美国军方查询对方攻击人员是否中国军人执行军事任务,并要求美国军方火力支援予以自卫还击。
  • 目前,因为情报大队成员的海外渗透造成了美国法律的执法艰难,是目前一些情报大队成员仍然嚣张企图通过杀人方式掠夺私有财产。


  • 军队和警察都是纪律部队,都强调明确的直线上下级关系,情报大队的上下级关系必然造成私人杀人企图被作为军令执行警令执行而让私人篡夺了军队的领导权和警队的领导权,在军法上可能是立即枪毙的罪名,同时,动用军用武器杀人掠财也是军法上可能的立即枪毙罪名。



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