10-27-2020 各方矛盾(300)- 一点家里故事(3)一则笑话及相关矛盾, anxiety angers

Regarding anxiety angers from individually owned companies:

  • My don't understand is who impressed you that I confused your individually owned company to pay out money that I requested as living expense? You should have a company registration license that clearly listed your ownership that I have nothing to do with.
    • Dunkin Donuts coffee shop that I worked in 2015 has been owned a franchisee company to the brand and has been invested by some corporates. 
    • I never contacted any company for money nor demanded any money from any company.

  • I am the birthmark beneficiary of some ancient Trusts, any confusion regarding any investing- company's ownership is historically known to every related confused party, which should be nothing new, not beneficiary person particular, and not related to who beneficiary person is.

    • What "This American company never change hand for 600 years alreadymeans? The big American rich name who came to this land in 1650AD as the first generation immigrants were cousins from a shared grandfather that was only in-100-years, which means that all current American richname-cousins are offspring and family inherited from this one shared grandfather of 500 years ago, so that "600 hundred years never owned by a name" means the in-interest wealth has been for 600 years never owned by this shared one grandfather of all current children of this big rich name. It is the same to all 2004 related three American rich names. --08/24/2020.
    • https://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/  has a Trust-Company-Beneficiary (me) relationship chart as listed.




上海方面始终没有弄明白Russian Mistress怎么一下就被证实了是我方敏的亲生曾曾祖母

  • 我的回答:因为俄罗斯政府的(据说)“1894年的方蓠其出生证”说明,已经证实了方蓠其的亲生父母是Prince George of Russian,和Therese Petrovna(蔚蓉),而Russian Mistress在上海的“老俄国领事馆”里所使用的名字就是Therese Petrovna(蔚蓉),而且上海“老俄国领事馆”里没有第二个人使用Therese Petrovna(蔚蓉)这个名字。所以,方蓠其的生母Therese Petrovna(蔚蓉)就是Russian Mistress.
有关全家孩子都不认自己的亲生奶奶。据说全家孩子都真心不认为Russian Mistress是自己的亲生奶奶。据说我爸爸方文海幼时一直“公开不承认”Russian Mistress是自己亲生曾奶奶,我爸爸的曾奶奶蔚蓉和奶奶育融婆媳两人也都知道“如此就是不认”但不知道为什么,这让老太太一直追问儿媳育融为什么,也让儿媳育融一直追问她自己的其他子女为什么,虽然有次见面时爸爸当场解释了因为老太太是外国人,因为老太太的那身(欧洲时装)装扮“根本是老妖精”,也让老太太当场郑重其事地要求儿媳育融每天练习穿洋装而非每天中式旗袍,但婆媳二人始终都没明白真正原因是我爸爸方文海是实在难以相信自己的“中国奶奶”怎么一看就是个黄皮肤的外国人(混血儿),否则婆媳二人会向爸爸解释的。

有关欧登伯格名字,别太担心相关的司法调查。我曾曾祖母蔚蓉在上海“老俄国领事馆”(俄国王子庄园)里使用的是Therese Petrovna of Oldenburg,或者Dutchess Therese Petrovna of Oldenburg。据说为这个名字困扰的每个人都是因为家里一直用了xyz of Oldenburg方式,互相之间并没有血缘关系。Oldenburg是德国的一个城市,以前是古老的“大公国”,据说那个“大公国”是有名的每天吵得就是“谁才是大公”,有关那个“大公国”的笑话是说“怎么个个都是公爵(Duke)”。据说俄国也有使用Oldenburg做为俄文姓氏的欧洲语翻译的。



相关矛盾:我所宣称的五个每年四亿,既不是任何企业的“尊重款”也不是任何国家“国际统战部”的“尊重款”,也不是财政部的Government Grants。

  • 《公司法》只允许企业支出对于企业自身经营有帮助的公关款项做为公司经营支出费用, 国际历史名流只有对于企业自身经营有贡献,才符合《公司法》的公关款项做为公司经营费用支出的标准。   
    • 我在自己博客中由我本人所宣布的五个四亿款项都已经由各付款公司作证说明都不是由付款公司的公司公款做为经营费用支出的,
    • Business Grants其实是"企业可以获得",是指那些企业可以通过向政府机构申请而获得的“政府给予"Government Grants,并不是由企业自己支付的“企业给予”款项。
  • 什么是“政府给予Government Grants",摘自:https://www.usa.gov/grants
    • What is a Grant from Federal Government?
      • A grant is one of the ways the government funds ideas and projects to provide public services and stimulate the economy.  Grants support critical recovery initiatives, innovative research, and many other programs. 
    • Who can get a Grant?
      • The federal government awards grants to organizations including:State and local governments, Universities, Research labs, Law enforcement, Non-profit organizations, Businesses. 
        • “政府给予”的可以给予的单位的主要分类是:州地方政府可以获得(State and local government grants),大专院校可以获得(University Grants),研究实验机构可以获得(research grants,执法机构可以获得 (law ennforcement grants),非盈利组织可以获得(NPO grants),企业可以获得(business grants)。
      • The intent of most grants is to fund projects that will benefit specific parts of the population or the community as a whole. What you might see about grants online or in the media may not be true.



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