04-16-2019 横空出世的洛家"新财富",飞射出来的中国政府






The company's ownership confusion can be illustrated as: The Federal Commerce Department has instructed the Commerce Department Boston office to write payment-check for my living expenses because I am a Bostonian who has inherited a Trust that has some business dealing with the Federal Commerce Department, the ownership confused families thought they have owned the Commerce Department Boston office already and entirely because of their generationally close work relationship, while the Commerce Department Boston office speak-person kept explaining the paying-instruction was from the federal but the entire commerce department is not the payer of my living expenses. This is the same reason that my Trust's entrusting attorneys were very quiet when I was vertically multiplying objected by the entire Commerce Department Office line for the ridiculousness of my eligibility to inherit the Commerce Department Boston office on July 1st of 2004. And it is the same reason that the ownership of the Commerce Department Boston office can't be "picked up" by just writing it on any inheriting list, even if that inheriting list is affiliated to the famous rich Rockefellers.
----April 16th, 2019 (摘自:03-31-2019 (2): Three meetings in 2007 and related confusion



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