04-18-2019 爸爸妈妈,我MBA毕业了。今后,我就是你们的方管理了





很多人都说真是不知道我怎么学的,我自己就一直强调,那两个学位,我特别清楚怎么学的,就是上课一定要认真听讲。2004年时,我都已经毕业快十五年了,老师上课讲的一些内容都还记得清清楚楚,同一时期学的《宏观经济学》也是如此,到了2004年6月去新泽西那天("June Sunday Solo")居然都还能复述教材上的内容。真是不敢相信我有这么好的记忆力。我所有学到的东西,都是在上课时认真听老师说话讲课学来的。

这次学工商管理专业,因为是国内的那种电大函授方式(在网上远程就读),我使用了从初中考高中时候就已经学到了的自学方式,这种自学方式,在我准备高考时,在上一医图书馆自学《宏观经济学》时,及做电脑软件研发时,都是让我得益匪浅的,这次是让我学到了工商管理知识,还硕士学位毕业了。下面的英文是我的工商管理硕士学位毕业回顾感言(Personal Transformation & Leadership Reflection Essay)的主要内容。爸爸妈妈,我真的是学到了.

爸爸妈妈,2004时候,我有安排你们去学校念书的费用,但不知都是怎么安排的,国内还有很多人想拿这些钱,也是闹得天翻地覆的。你们可以试试,看能不能申请到学生贷款,但是必须是就读学位才行,你还必须有学历证明之类的。我是用学生贷款读的书。如果那笔钱找到,你们就可以随便读了,只要是不读学位的,就不需要学历证明。现在,哈弗大学就有很多网上开课的内容,很精彩的,你们也可以报名付费就读的,就是不能申请学生贷款,需要等到钱拿到才行。你们有钱就可以报名,我现在也是没有钱,所以在等,但我想先上一个法学院(我自己认为这样可以让我听懂律师的逻辑和专业语言),然后再学英美文学之类的(Literature,或者Art and architecture 类别里的)。爸爸肯定是可以从ESL开始的(就是实用英语班),妈妈也可以试试小学生英语补习班之类的,呵呵。

Harvard Extension School

Course Topics
We offer over 120 courses a year, each meeting in person at our building in Cambridge, Mass. The average class size is 20。 The following topics are typically represented every year:
Art and architecture


Personal Transformation & Leadership Reflection Essay

When I applied for this MBA education, I was interviewed by the University about why I want to have an MBA and what will be my concentration, I said I want to know how I can start my own business, I want to learn where to start if I walk into a for-rent space. The specialization program I enrolled in is General Administration.

MBA is a graduate degree that focuses on the analytical, functional, and ethical applications of business (Walton University, 2019).” Since MBA 501, I have learned to make reasonable judgments based on economic theories (models) and structured field analysis, forces analysis and SWOT analysis. The case study approach trained me with first-hand managerial situational cases and I learned to perform financial analysis and reporting, to use the framed analytical technique to delineate the business situations, to relate theoretical perspective, and to propose ethical valued business solutions.

The decisions made by individual managers and consumers generate the fundamentals of market supply and demand, governing the prices and quantities sold in all economic transactions (Jonah Rockoff, 2019)”. In MBA502 and MBA508, I have learned prices decided by supply and demand guides investment and production in the market economy, managerial finance is the science that combines economic principles and accounting practices to assess and decide investment scale, cash flow, product price, and productivity. I learned accounting concepts to effectively monitor and allocate resources in business operational practices, I learned value-based financing principles to create values in marketing, production, etc. and I learned the decision-making process to conduct capital budgeting, flow valuation, report interpreting and ratio analysis for performance and trend evaluation.

Marketing management is the process of developing strategies and planning for product or services, advertising, promotions, sales to reach desired customer segment (Wikipedia, 2019).” In MBA 504 and MBA 506, I have learned the science of marketing covers product development, brand management, customer and business relationships, media research, and market segment analysis. I learned elements of the marketing mix, I learned theories to decide policies for products, promotion, distribution and pricing to achieve profitability, and I learned the exchange rate theory, managerial framework, analytical formula and economic policies for globally diversified business.
Effectively designed operations can be a powerful source of growth (Drake, 2019)”. In MBA 507, MBA573 and MBA 555, I have learned business strategy is the science to understand operational challenges and to manage an organization’s profitability and growth. I learned the importance of creating sustainable competitive advantage, I learned skills to conduct value-based competitiveness analysis, comparative costs evaluation and strategic market positioning, and I learned risk modeling, quantitative risk assessment, and risk relationship with financial leverage in corporate evaluation, etc.

Leadership is the action of leading employees to achieve goals. It plays an important role in employee performance and productivity (Kadian-Baumeyer, 2018)”. In MBA 503 and MBA 513, I have learned leadership is a scientific identifying process to assess an individual’s style with effectiveness in leading, managing and directing, and a social influence process that relates the individual with motivating employees in achieving objectives. I learned leadership theories & skills and the importance of value-based leadership commitment, I learned leading is to face an organization’s external and internal challenges and I learned theoretical models to analyze what, why and how to lead an organizational change in facing its challenges.

... Now, I have the confidence that I have learned knowledge that enables me to lead an organization to face its challenges, or to start a small own business.

----February 3rd, 2019


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