06-18-2019 为什么是上海第一医学院的校友最气愤“谁才是福特老婆?”



2007年,美国的纽约有场Stadium Wedding,据说这场婚礼是北京药学专业的一个穿着婚纱躲在角落里等着替换绕圈游行新娘的一场婚礼,而当天的纽约还有一场罗德里格斯和福特联姻婚礼,据说这个罗德里格斯就是2007年6月一场继承会议,7月一场结婚会议的同一个人,而这个婚礼里的福特新郎在上海医科大学(现复旦大学上海医学院)的一场谈话,让上海医科大学毕业的那些男男女女为了表达最最知道谁才是真正的福特女人,甘愿拿刀捅死我的立场,那刀可是可以做激光近视矫正手术的那种,所表达的立场是如果没用激光刀把我捅死捅烂就难以表达一腔愤怒的坚决气势。



My-side personal status prelude for that famous marriage discussion on July 1st of 2004:
I was 37 years old in 2004 who newly inherited some handsome Trusts-wealth that a family with an heir, some children, and a marriage partner(s) naturally became such a concentration in my life, but I was in a biologically exhausted health situation that sexually involved romance was not appealing at all. So, I participated in that discussion for the reason to have children in a (polygamist or not) marriage with one (or more) marriage partner(s) who did not have any biological offspring yet in 2004. To me being a polygamist, a man who already a biological child means a leftover male who is old and undesirable in considering seriously involved romance.

The reason for the comprised prenup became fundamental for that famous 07-01-2004 marriage discussion
Not willing to let any part of the own-wealth to be in risk of the possible taken-over was from all participants of that famous 07-01-2004 marriage discussion.

What I think what might have happened after that marriage discussion?
I don't have a clue about what might have happened after July 1st of 2004, but I am positive, which means not assertive, that I may have biological and legitimate children from definitely a factually virgin-father man that, in 2004, I was willing to be involved in marriage. The not-assertive is about if I do have a biological child or children but I don't think that is any public interest but my own private matter.

Do I positively look forward to reuniting with my biological children and the marriage partner?
That depends on if that is a marriage partner who only shares biological children with me and still in the marriage with his heart. To me, marriage means a willingness-based responsibility, relationship, and exclusive inside-marriage sex (when I am healthy enough).

How long it takes for me to be healthy from my current health situation?
I have already asked law enforcement's help to free me from possible sexual harassments of any party that intended to maim my biological nature appearance, to compromise my health, to take over my wealth, to replace me from my possible marriage, or to destroy my way of living my life.

----March 16th, 2019

My understanding of all those financial confusions:
If confusions are about if someone's lawfully-owned money, this someone should have no need to commit any crime in order to get this lawful money when laws-help are already available all around,

If the intention is to get not-lawfully-owned money, this someone is also not privileged at all to commit any crime without being prosecuted as well.

----March 17th, 2019


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